In occasione del GALA del Festival di Primavera in Cina il 15 febbraio 2022 si è tenuto un incontro di poesia "live" – via Zoom - durante il quale la figlia Lidia ha letto la sua poesia AN EVENING SKY dedicata a Guido Chiarelli, ricordando che lo stesso giorno in Cina si celebra la Festa delle Lanterne. ( Conosciuta in cinese come 元宵节 yuánxiāojié, la Festa delle Lanterne è la celebrazione a compimento del capodanno cinese. )
IL LAMPIONE, dipinto di Gianpiero Actis
An Evening Sky
A slash of Blue! A sweep of Gray!
Some scarlet patches - on the way -
Compose an evening sky . . .
—Emily Dickinson
So sweet was
the scent of those evenings
our steps invented long distance routes
in the summer gardens
slowly the lights were lit
and competing with the moons and the stars
formed parabolas of light
on the opaque stones of the paths.
Then, life
just begun
seemed to reveal
– just for us –
a sky of unreal colours.
Countless images
(fragments of old memories)
recreate and break
in the weary kaleidoscope
of the mind.
Lidia Chiarelli, Italy
Poem in Memory of My Father, Guido Chiarelli, head engineer for the lighting projects in Torino 1956–1968
Street lights
to Guido Chiarelli, Turin urban lighting designer
Yu Nong,
Light up a light for whom
Light a light for yourself too
The sound of fire
Born out of silence
More pure than words
My gaze is unrecognizable through the light
What kind of fascination brings pain?
The color of human life, growing pale
No matter how much I want to remember or forget
After having lit thousands of lights
I find myself also a street lamp
Yu Nong, born in 1966 in Yixing, Jiangsu Province, now lives in Shanghai, poet, president of World Poetry Magazine, editor-in-chief of World Poetry Network Shanghai, has poems published in China Culture Newspaper, Liberation Army Newspaper, Liberation Army Literature and Art, Star Poetry Journal, etc. He won the 20th Literary Award of Naji Oman, Lebanon, the award of Shanghai Citizen Poetry Festival, the 4th Boao International Poetry Festival "Poet of the Year Award".
Jardinier des lumières
Tu en semas tant dans Turin
Quelle sublime récolte
De lumineuses féeriques fleurs
Elle en fit tout altière
Tu sus la couronner avec cœur
De tant d’étoiles apprivoisées
Pour mieux les libérer en choeurs
De tes mains d’habile magicien
Tu fis apparaitre rieurs
Tant de rêves en réverbères
D’accueils d’amour
Et de chants de troubadours
Tu offris aux confidences des lèvres
Dites en de fous capiteux baisers
Et aux tracés allumés des caresses
Les ombres d’ivres chaleureux répits
Dressant fiers d’éclats de promesses
Les multipliant plein d’épis
Dans les damiers de leurs scintillants rayons
Sublime baume éteignant tant de soucis
Eclairant les pas de feu des épris
Vertigineux bonheur
Etreignant les tournoyants danseurs
Que tes moissons d’éclairs
En magiques échos à ta cité
Si céleste tant d’autres cités sœurs
Partout sur terre
Habillées de mille doux feux
Abolirent toute frontière
Entre terre et cieux
Cher Guido tu peux être fier
De tes symphonies de lumières
Repose en paix dans ton noble éther
© Mokhtar El Amraoui, Bizerte, le 11 octobre 2022
Mokhtar El Amraoui est un poète tunisien d’expression française né à Mateur, en Tunisie. Il a publié quatre recueils. Le premier, en 2010, « Arpèges sur les ailes de mes ans », le second, en 2014, « Le souffle des ressacs » et les troisième et quatrième en 2019, successivement « Chante, aube, que dansent tes plumes ! » et « Dans le tumulte du labyrinthe ».
Artistes et lumières de la ville
Les artistes vivent la nuit
Sous les projecteurs ou
Sous les réverbères
Certains d’entre eux montent sur scène
Et brillent sous les feux de la rampe
Mais d'autres un saxo
Un violon ou une guitare à la main
Dans la rue d'en face
adossés au mur
Le réverbère diffuse une lumière pale
Ils jouent des airs à la mode
Devant des passants inconnus
Plus absents que présents
Quelques pièces par-ci
Quelques pièces par-là
Sont lancées dans
Un vieux chapeau
Qui traine sur le sol
Lumières de la ville
Sur qui brillez-vous ?
Guido Chiarelli ton ingéniosité et
Ton goût de l’esthétique étaient
Une bénédiction pour les artistes sans nom
Repose en paix et
Que la lumière divine t’inonde !
Mariem Garaali , Tunisie
Hommage à Guido Chiarelli à l’occasion de son 120ème anniversaire, l’homme qui a illuminé la ville de Turin de ses conceptions futuristes dans les années 50/60, non seulement ils illuminent et décorent une ville , mais les réverbères de Chiarelli rendent un grand service aux passants, artistes et autres d’où mon poème.
Mariem Garaali Hadoussa, native de Nabeul
(Tunisie), activiste dans la société civile depuis trois décennies. Artiste plasticienne depuis deux décennies, elle a à son compte 11 expositions personnelles. A reçu plusieurs prix nationaux et internationaux comme artiste et illustratrice
de revues.
Elle est aussi poète et a publié trois recueils.
Par un beau soir d'été
les étoiles n'ont pas brillé
au-dessus de la ville
comme à l'accoutumée
personne n'osait sortir
dans la nuit profonde
de peur d'être pourchassé
par des ombres mal intentionnés
pour chasser toutes les frayeurs
un génie sortit de sa lampe
dans cette ville en détresse
pour d'une rue à l'autre
allumer tous les réverbères
en multiples jets de couleurs
les fontaines étaient heureuses
les étoile jalouses sont réapparues
au-dessus de cette ville joyeuse
d'avoir eu un tel génie survenu
maintenant disparu dans la nuit
avec pour nom Guido Chiarelli
Huguette Bertrand, Canada
On a beautiful summer evening
the stars did not shine
over the city
as usual
no one dared to go out
in the depth of the night
for fear of being chased
by ill-intentioned shadows
to chase away all fears
a genie came out of his lamp
in this city in distress
and from one street to another
lighted up all the street lamps
in multiple spurts of colours
the fountains were happy
the jealous stars reappeared
over this joyous city
to have had such a genie
who appeared in that night
and now remembered
as Guido Chiarelli
traduit le 18 octobre 2022 par H. Bertrand
French-Canadian poet and editor, Huguette Bertrand has published 39 poetry books. Her poems were published in printed and online international journals and anthologies and translated in many languages.
Hágase la luz
Lo primero que se vio fueron
las sonrisas de los niños
contemplando la noche
como nunca antes la habían visto
Las calles ofrecen un abrazo nocturno
que antes no existía,
ostentan colores que estaban ocultos
en tus jardines y tus fuentes
Tu silueta es una frontera flotante
orgullosa y elegante;
como luna en el cielo
te vistieron de honor...
por las manos de tu creador
Turín, estás resplandeciente;
bravo Guido Chiarelli,
le diste vida a "Ville Lumière”
como un sol naciente
©Noris Roberts
Let there be light
The first thing to be seen were
the smiles of the children
contemplating the night
as they had never seen it before
The streets offer a nocturnal embrace
that did not exist before,
flaunting the hidden colors
of its gardens and fountains
Your silhouette is a floating border
proud and elegant;
like a moon in the sky
you were clothed with honor...
by the hands of your creator
Turin, you are shining;
bravo Guido Chiarelli,
you gave birth to "Ville Lumière”
like a sun that’s rising
©Noris Roberts
Noris Roberts (Venezuela) - Abogada, poeta y escritora. Premio Literario Naji Naaman (miembro honorario de la Maison Naaman pour la Culture); nombrada Embajadora de la Paz en representación de Venezuela por el Cercle Universel de la Paix France/Suisse; Cónsul de la Asociación de Escritores y Artistas del Orbe "ASEALDO" y miembro honorífico de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Poetas "ASOLAPO".
Venezuelan attorney, poet and writer. Awarded with the Naji Naaman Literary Prize (honorary member of the Maison Naaman pour la Culture); appointed Ambassador of Peace on behalf of Venezuela by the Cercle Universel de la Paix France/Suisse; Consul of the Association of Writers and Artists of the Orb "ASEALDO" and honorary member of the Latin American Association of Poets "ASOLAPO
dedicated to You, Dear Poet of the Lights GUIDO CHIARELLI
... I do remember even today
the blessed day, it was the end of fall
captured by the most powerful feelings
when mentioned is your name, Guido Chiarelli
eyes wander in the library room
beautifully arranged, simple, tasteful, with love
the books are, knowledge that drunks
radiating the most glamorous lights of nobility.
Many times mentioned with meritorious
I read , the ballads of friends
discussed about the power, lust, the most powerful letters
analyzed the Poets of Honors.
In the room alone, poetry conquers
day by day
often, while drinking downtown morning coffee
most feather lovers I have never met
”are friends of my soul”, you have said
yes... in my being are carved
golden poems, generous verses
powering love, lewdness
oh… those titans of beauty, the immortality tracks...
Tyran Prizren Spahiu
Tyran Prizren Spahiu (Kosovo). Trying to find topics that worry, nag, excites, rapes, embraces, and to describe is pleasure and challenge ... Being emotionally connected letters, loves calm life he continues to spread kindness…. No matter where he goes, you will hear the voice behind: "He was here."
Corre la luce
in un istante,
ovunque ti conduce
assorto nello studio
cammini nel buio
detti il futuro di tripudio.
Lieve chiaro il lampione
a candelabro impero
svela la luce del mistero
di un nuovo giorno
fatto di stelle
di energia che scivola sulla pelle
di una città scolpita d’inverno,
accarezzata da eterno
nella leggenda e nella storia,
che cede nel design la vittoria.
Tanta luce in fiera:
luce in una zuccheriera,
spinta in una siringa
sotto il lampione un’arringa,
sale sulla stella di metallo
mette la Mole in posizione di stallo:
sospesa, brillante
ed elegante
l’attenzione si fa costante
lo sguardo verso il cielo
lo spettacolo si fa vero.
Barbara Rotta
The light runs
in an instant
wherever it leads you
lost in study
walking in the darkness
you dictate the future of blaze.
The dim light chandelier post
reveals the mystery’s light
of a new day
made of stars
of energy
gliding over the skin of the city
sculpted in winter
caressed by Eternity
in myth and in history
yielding victory in design.
So much light at the fair:
Light in a sugar bowl lamp
Light in a syringe:
the plea under the streetlamp.
The light ascends on the metal star
the Mole in a stall point:
suspended, bright and elegant
the attention becomes constant
the gaze turn to the sky
the show gets real.
Barbara Rotta
Barbara Rotta (Italy), artista, storica dell’arte, ha collaborato con numerose Gallerie d’arte e Associazioni culturali piemontesi, con artisti emergenti ed affermati, quali Mauro Chessa, Francesco Preverino, Francesco Casorati. I suoi studi e scritti sono pubblicati su cataloghi e riviste d’arte. Ha scritto Il colore dell’inganno per Yumebook. Docente in Lettere e Storia dell’arte continua il suo cammino di ricerca e scrittura di poesie e di romanzi all’insegna della sua passione per l’arte.
Ville lumière
voor Guido Chiarelli
Als lofzang voor het leven
en voor een zonovergoten dag
die in het boek der herinnering
liefdeswoorden schreef vertoont
de stad bij avondval beelden
van luister en veelkleurig licht
een verrukking voor méér
dan voor het oog alleen.
to Guido Chiarelli
As an ode to life
and for a bright and sunlit day
who in the book of memory
wrote tender words of love
displays the city at dusk
images of splendour
and multicoloured light
a delight for more
than the eye alone.
Germain Droogenbroodt
Ithaca 11.10.2022
Germain Droogenbroodt (Belgium/Spain) is an internationally appreciated poet, translator, publisher and promoter of modern international poetry. As founder and editor of POINT Editions (POetry INTernational) he has published more than eighty collections of mainly modern, international poetry. Germain Droogenbroodt organised and co-organised several international poetry festivals in Spain.
poema dedicado al 120 aniversario del nacimiento de Guido Chiarelli
"Torino vive dentro de la luz"
Torino vive dentro de la luz
Una nube henchida de 120 años
Que se eleva, avanza, desaparece
Mientras cierras los ojos
Y despiertas cegado por su resplandor.
Así la vida de los hombres
Figura estar sobre una franja de universo
Se evapora cuando el sueño no asiste
Y la necedad del hombre
Cambia de tono
Cambia de color.
Así el color de tus mejillas
Resplandecientes del amarillo, rojo, blanco
A tono con el cerebro de los hombres
Al asistir al espectáculo de días y noches
Iluminando el tiempo vacío
Dibujado en el recuerdo.
Así los compases del amor.
Torino vive dentro la luce
Una nuvola piena di 120 anni
Che si alza, avanza, scompare
Chiudendo gli occhi
E svegliarsi accecati dal suo splendore.
Così la vita degli uomini
Sembra che si trovi su una striscia di universo
Evapora quando il sonno non è presente
E la stoltezza dell'uomo
Cambia il tono
Cambia colore.
Così il colore delle tue guance
Splendenti di giallo, rosso, bianco
In sintonia con il cervello degli uomini
Assistere allo spettacolo dei giorni e delle notti
Illuminare il tempo vuoto
Disegnato in memoria.
Così le bussole dell'amore.
Pedro Licona, Colombia
Pedro Licona (Colombia). Es poeta, novelista, cuentista y editor. Numerosos libros de poemas publicados, entre ellos: Receta para llamar el amor, 2006; El toque del tiempo, 2009; Cuarto creciente, 2010; Danza del celo en París, 2012; Alma serrana, 2014; En otra calle, 2016. Novelas publicadas: 7 y 45, 2007; Samba palo, 2011; Tiempo de gracias, 2014. Libros de cuentos publicados: Lámparas de mi tierra, 1983 y Campeón de sueños, 1984.
THE "LIGHT" OF THE CITY - to Guido Chiarelli
He held up light, castle, palace, atrium
Always bright,
bright never repeat, posture or layout,
woven in the net of giving classic
Art is the art of the world
A lot of people came, he ran with them,
made with them, made with them
Holding up the order of Chivalry
So far, the vast oracle has lived on for a hundred years
Parco del Valentino
is looked upon lovingly by God
by Lu Jing ( Jilin, China )
Bio : Lu Jing , She loves literature & writes a lot of modern poems frequently. She is the member of China Poetry Association, China Prose Association & Jilin Province Writers’ Association. She is also the president of Orient Literary Society.
Lights in the city
to Guido Chiarelli, Turin urban lighting designer
The sun sets and the lights rise
People going home late from work
Cross the illuminated streets
Everywhere in the city
Windows are a symbol of light.
I sit at ease in a store
Drinking coffee, my mind is turned on by the light
Thinking of Turin, Italy
A city full of elegance
At the festival Mole Antonelliana
It lights up the night
At the same time as the Oriental Pearl Tower.
A view of Shanghai from the 16th floor:
The stars are shining brightly on the Huangpu River
Without Guido Chiarelli
Without Franklin Edison
Cities would be but little black dots on the earth.
Anna Keiko, China
English translation by Germain Droogenbroodt
in cooperation with the author
City lights
Walking on Gongxiu Road at night
Fruit shop, bun shop, bright as daylight
Crowded shopping malls
Beside the river, on the bridge
One can't tell day from night
Where friends and children
Enjoy dinner under the lights
All due to the city's illuminations
To which Guido Chiarelli contributed
We should always remember those
Who work hard for our society
Like commemorating our ancestors
Anna Keiko, China
Anna Keiko is a Chinese poet, president of the Shanghai Huifeng Literature Association.
Her poetry has been published in many national and international magazines. She has
participated at several prestigious international poetry festivals
Lights of the City
The City Light
Is the urban guardian
Sometime indistinct, sometime bright
Keeping warm the city
To prevent it from sleeping when darkness on site
Twinkle, twinkle in the dark
The deeper the night, the brighter its light
Hence the night walkers never be afraid nor get lost
And the confused take it as a guide
When everything falls asleep
City Light guards the world's dreamland
No matter the status is high or low
Its care is equally to everyone’s hand
A variety of designs in fashion and up to time
Embellishes the city
By contributing silently their heat and light
Let’s dedicate our sincerity
To the Pioneers of Urban Light Design
Jinghao (UK)
Jinghao, UK is a British Chinese, awarded many times, consultant of the United Nations "World Ecology" magazine.
Paying tribute
Darkness obscures the tourist's path
And one can only hold the companion‘s hand (to know his position)
You filled the streets with light,
Designing various bulbs
In your luminous area
Painting the ripped clouds in neon and flying dreams
Even an ordinary street lamp has got a variety of forms.
The reflection of the river
Flows with the charming flavor of the night.
Dream fulfillment
Poetic ornamentation
Dance hall, movie theater, coffee shop, model show
Light dizziness
City lights design pioneer GUIDO CHIARELLI,
You enchant the midnight.
I devote myself to loving you
And let the warm colors
Brighten up an intoxicating smile.
My skyscrapers open their doors
Paying their respects to you.
Xue Xixiang, China
Xue Xixiang, China
Member of Chinese Writers Association and Chinese Musicians Association. He has been a creative member of the military art troupe and an instructor of the military academy. He has published more than 20 monographs, such as poems and songs, essays, reports and non-fiction, novels, films and television films. Oriental TV Station, Shanghai TV Station and military academies jointly held three concerts for his special works, and CCTV made follow-up reports. Hundreds of his works won awards both inside and outside the military.
English translation: co-translated by Keiko Anna and Iuliana